Wednesday 15 October 2014

Sound techniques

This is an example of dialogue when the woman is talking in the beginning, there is also a sound effect when she sees the batteries in the floor. 


This is a video is an example of a sound bridge, the alarm clock starts to ring in the first scene then it goes onto another scene showing us the alarm clock while it continues to ring. 


This is an example of a voiceover in a film the man in the shot is talking over the scene telling us what is happening.


Friday 10 October 2014

Magazine front cover improvements

This is my final magazine front cover I have used the theme colour of Haggerston school which includes a dark green to keep the concept of magazine clear, in my masthead the font of the "A" is a diffrent font from the rest of the tittle because I wanted it to be bold and clear because it will also be my logo for my magzine. It also has a green box behind it, I took inspirations from Q magzine which also uses this for their mast head this creates a impression of a sophesticated and well established  magazine.  

I have also included the key codes and conventions of a magzine which are having headlines, my headline is "we reveal student of the year" this draws in my target user because the font is large and clear. I deiceded to use the image I did for my front cover image because it shows a postive representation of students and the way they view education and acheiving, it also shows the realtionship between students.  

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Magazine progress

This is my magazine progress I've got the magazines contents on the cover, I wanted my target user to see the front cover image so i decreased the capacity of the boxes so that it's see through.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Content page ideas

School magazine front cover with tittle

School magazine photoshoot

This picture is a medium long shot and I wanted to create a radiant and joyful atmosphere so I need a high lit setting so I took the picture outside in the sunshine. I also choose to have my models against a background which is simple and not to busy to make them be the focal point in the image. The models in image are acting natural because I wanted it to look genuine.

This image is a high angle long shot, the models are walking up the stairs to show their journey to their success they are not looking at the camera because it shows the friendly relationship between the students in school. This image also has a plain background which is effective however in this image would not work for my front cover because there is no space for my masthead but it probably would for my contents page. 

This image is a close up of my models face its also a third angle shot this is because my consumer would usually look at the sides of the image first rather than the middle. it also allows me space to write my contents on the side. The image is also very vibrant and distinct this is because of the outdoor lighting.  The image also represents the theme of my magazine because it has a book on the table. my model is not giving direct eye contact because I didn't want the image to look typical like other magazines.