Friday 10 October 2014

Magazine front cover improvements

This is my final magazine front cover I have used the theme colour of Haggerston school which includes a dark green to keep the concept of magazine clear, in my masthead the font of the "A" is a diffrent font from the rest of the tittle because I wanted it to be bold and clear because it will also be my logo for my magzine. It also has a green box behind it, I took inspirations from Q magzine which also uses this for their mast head this creates a impression of a sophesticated and well established  magazine.  

I have also included the key codes and conventions of a magzine which are having headlines, my headline is "we reveal student of the year" this draws in my target user because the font is large and clear. I deiceded to use the image I did for my front cover image because it shows a postive representation of students and the way they view education and acheiving, it also shows the realtionship between students.  

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