Saturday 14 February 2015

Contents page devlopments

In the image I decided to use on my contents page there wasn't enough room for my text to go over my model at the bottom of the frame. So I decided to use the clone pattern tool to add more of the grass on the top of the image to add more space to write may contents page information.

I took inspiration from  Mojo's contents page that uses one image with a lot of space on the top of this image so the features can be on the top of the model. This makes the magazine seem more intriguing because it makes the text the first thing that the reader notices then the image when in other magazine its usually vice verse.  

The image that I have decided to use is quirky and different because it represents my magazine and the theme. my model is looking up which makes it look like she's looking at my text that is over her head which makes my readers want to read it.
However the image has leaves on the floor which makes it harder to read the text, so I may have to blur the leaves out using photoshop tools. This will make the grass more green and vibrant.

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