Friday 1 May 2015

Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

front cover

front cover pre

front cover pre

front cover pre
  • On my front cover of my preliminary task my mast head tittle was achieve and i used the A as a logo for my magazine then i used a green box behind, this was effective because the logo made my magazine more distinct and established. However in my finished music magazine i used a more creative name i choose to make my tittle Japanese to appeal more to my target audience interests, also in my mast head i included a competition puff to attract my target audience. 
  • My front cover for my preliminary task isn't at a good standard compared to my front cover of my music magazine that i have produced now. i used Photoshop to construct them both however after my preliminary task i researched more into my music genre and taking inspirations from existing music magazines to help me construct mine. This allowed me to see the conventions of a music magazine and challenge or convey them. 
  • I used more platforms when i was constructing my new magazine front cover i used apps on my phone to edit my picture to make the colors more bright, vibrant and eye catching however in my preliminary task the image didn't look as professional. Also the front cover image in my music magazine looks more creative and initiative however in my preliminary task the image looks more basic. 

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