Thursday 27 November 2014

Editing front cover


The first picture is without the flash on the camera and the second i had the flash on, i prefer the one with the flash on because it makes the picture look more professional and more focused.

Theses pictures that i took of my model is a close up of her showing her facial expressions clearly this is emphasized by the mode of address because shes looking directly at the camera. I chose to have a close up because i wanted her face to be the main focus this is why i used a clear white background this makes the face paint powder on her face seem more vibrant. I've also noticed on existing indie pop magazines that they use a close ups or mid shots of their model and they always have unique and distinctive poses this is why my model has her hands around her face to make the picture look more conventional. 

These pictures i had my male model and my female model together with face paint powder this shows gender diversity so that i get more readers from both genders. However my male model isn't looking directly at the camera but my female model is, my target audience will focus on my female model before my male one i intentionally positioned them like this because my target audience is 70% girls so they can relate  more.   

I prefer the second picture because it is portrait allowing me more space to write the tittle of my magazine however the second one is landscape so i can not use this for my front cover however i might feature it in my contents page. 

This image is a close up of my male model looking down showing his facial features making him seem more masculine. When i was researching existing indie pop magazine front covers with a male model they are usually not looking at the camera and they are either looking down or up, this makes the image seem more mysterious and interesting.   

However i don't think i will use this for my front cover because it may look boring to my target audience this is because their is a lack of interaction he's is not directly looking at the camera. 


The first idea is a male model looking down and not directly at the camera this makes the image seem more interesting and leaves the target user wonder what he's looking at it creates a mysterious look which conveys the genre indie pop. It's also looks more sophisticated and this is how men in indie pop are shown as, however because my target user is teenagers to young adults I have to make the image more eye catching and not boring otherwise the magazine will not stand from existing ones. I will achieve this by having colorful powder paint on his face against a white wall to make the colors more vibrant.   
This was one of my inspirations from clash magazine the man looks professional and hes looking away from the camera but the lighting and he bright colored jumper makes the front cover more intriguing. 

 This is my second idea my model is a female and she is giving direct mode of address this makes the magazine more interactive and she's wearing a vintage turban this is what indie pop audiences wear so this image would appeal to them. Also I am going to have her posing with her hands around her face to make her look feminine. I don't want my magazine to sexualise women so i am not have her wearing revealing clothes this is because my genre doesn't do this compared to other genres like R&B that do.


planing of the photo shoot

Ayan: Age - 17
           Gender: female
           Ethnicity: African
           Occupation: Full time education
Shahib: Age: 18
             Gender: Male
             Ethnicity: Asian
             Occupation: Full time education 

Haggerston School 

Props: Ying Yang bandana
            Asian Powder Paint  

I bought this yin yang bandanna from a vintage shop this wear my target audience shop so they would gain sense of personal identity from my model wearing it so they might read my magazine to get ideas on how to dress. Also yin yang could be related to peace and indie pop music is very peaceful so this relates to my genre. 

My my models will wear black shirts because i don't want to much color i want my target audience to focus on my models faces. This makes my magazine seem more professional looking contrasting the poeder paint on my models faces. 

The model on this front cover has a plain white shirt on making us focus on her face and her expressions.  

These are some of the colors that i will use for my models faces. These powder paint are usually for celebration in the Asian culture it represents happiness and indie pop is a uplifting music genre compared to other music genres like rock.   

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Questionare results

In my questionnaire I asked my target market which name they preferred better they liked "Kazuko" the best which is melody/harmony in Japanese. They thought that is was  unique and interesting name for a magazine, they also thought that it relates to the genre because its quite quirky and this reflects on my target user.


This is the font that i will use for my tittle i got the inspiration from the wonderland magazine, it looks professional and sophisticated.



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Wednesday 5 November 2014

Contents page conventions


Contents page conventions

Images- They realate to the stories on the pages.

Page numbers- This is so the reader knows what page to go for a specfic story, this is convenient beacause it saves the reader time.

Promotes the reader to subscribe- This is usually at the bottom of the page.

Theme colours- This is usually continuous from the front cover.

target user profile

Target user profile

My target user is...

My target user likes to listen to music and they are always looking to update their playlists with new releases. My target user is in education and they are either in sixth form or uni studding things like media or music ALevel. They are also creative people who in the future want to have jobs that reflect this or they may want to become a music artist themselves. They are in full time education so they may have part time jobs on the weekends. My target user is into fashion and they like to keep up to date with the latest fashion trends, they shop at vintage shops such as blitz or beyond retro and high street shops such as Top shop. They go out to music events, gigs and festivals a lot.
My target user is young women aged between 16-22 that are in education. They have a low income however they come from middle class families that give them money, they may also have part time jobs while still being at uni or college. They still live with their parents so they have less responsibilities. Indie pop is mostly aimed at white girls and some black girls who are from a well off background.  

Questioning my target market