Thursday 27 November 2014


The first picture is without the flash on the camera and the second i had the flash on, i prefer the one with the flash on because it makes the picture look more professional and more focused.

Theses pictures that i took of my model is a close up of her showing her facial expressions clearly this is emphasized by the mode of address because shes looking directly at the camera. I chose to have a close up because i wanted her face to be the main focus this is why i used a clear white background this makes the face paint powder on her face seem more vibrant. I've also noticed on existing indie pop magazines that they use a close ups or mid shots of their model and they always have unique and distinctive poses this is why my model has her hands around her face to make the picture look more conventional. 

These pictures i had my male model and my female model together with face paint powder this shows gender diversity so that i get more readers from both genders. However my male model isn't looking directly at the camera but my female model is, my target audience will focus on my female model before my male one i intentionally positioned them like this because my target audience is 70% girls so they can relate  more.   

I prefer the second picture because it is portrait allowing me more space to write the tittle of my magazine however the second one is landscape so i can not use this for my front cover however i might feature it in my contents page. 

This image is a close up of my male model looking down showing his facial features making him seem more masculine. When i was researching existing indie pop magazine front covers with a male model they are usually not looking at the camera and they are either looking down or up, this makes the image seem more mysterious and interesting.   

However i don't think i will use this for my front cover because it may look boring to my target audience this is because their is a lack of interaction he's is not directly looking at the camera. 


  1. NIce photos Fasia, i think i prefere the two shot of them together though. You must explain what you are happy with and your selection process though and what you tried to do in this shoot etc..

  2. Fasia these pictures look great and very colourful which clearly displays your music genre
