Thursday 27 November 2014


The first idea is a male model looking down and not directly at the camera this makes the image seem more interesting and leaves the target user wonder what he's looking at it creates a mysterious look which conveys the genre indie pop. It's also looks more sophisticated and this is how men in indie pop are shown as, however because my target user is teenagers to young adults I have to make the image more eye catching and not boring otherwise the magazine will not stand from existing ones. I will achieve this by having colorful powder paint on his face against a white wall to make the colors more vibrant.   
This was one of my inspirations from clash magazine the man looks professional and hes looking away from the camera but the lighting and he bright colored jumper makes the front cover more intriguing. 

 This is my second idea my model is a female and she is giving direct mode of address this makes the magazine more interactive and she's wearing a vintage turban this is what indie pop audiences wear so this image would appeal to them. Also I am going to have her posing with her hands around her face to make her look feminine. I don't want my magazine to sexualise women so i am not have her wearing revealing clothes this is because my genre doesn't do this compared to other genres like R&B that do.


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